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Master Your Boards - Cycle II
Session 1: Orientation
Course Schedule
Learning Outcomes
Course Syllabus
Sample Think Aloud Protocol
Video, Audio, Transcript
Questions for Self Reflection
Session 2: Applying Critical Self-Reflection
Learning Outcome
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Video, Audio, Transcript
PPT Slides
Self-Regulated Learning Protocol
Session 3: Overcoming Procrastination, Creating a Study Plan
Video, Audio, Transcript
Learning Outcome
Planning for Procrastinators
Session 4: Setting SMART Goals and Planning Strategically
Learning Outcome
Video, Audio, Transcript
Template for Creating Study Plan/ Schedule
Sample Score Report Analysis
Session 5: Implementing the Test-Enhanced Learning Strategy and K-W-L, How to Create Flash Cards
Learning Outcome
Video, Audio, Transcript
Session 6: Implementing Retrieval Practice, Spaced Practice, and Varied Practice Strategies
Learning Outcome
Session 7: Incorporating Reading, Video, and Audio Resources Into Your Study Routine
Learning Outcome: I will be able to strategically use reading, video or audio resources to further consolidate concepts and close knowledge gaps identified through test-enhanced learning.
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